Dr. George Brainard

Light & Human Health

Dr. George Brainard

Dr. Brainard’s academic work has been concerned with the effects of light on biological and behavioral responses of animals and humans for thirty five years. His research on the effects of light have been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, NASA, FDA, DOE, DOD as well as Philips, OSRAM, Panasonic and other industrial and private sources. He has authored over 100 original research articles and over 50 book chapters. He has written/edited 12 books or monographs including five lighting standards for the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

Dr. Brainard has been the US Division Six Director for the International Commission on Illumination (USNC/CIE) since 1992, chaired the IESNA Photobiology Committee for ten years, and is currently co-chair of the IESNA Light and Health Committee.

His current work with NASA is focused on both ground and in-flight studies related to the new solid-state lighting system for International Space Station. He has been honored with the Johnson Space Center Director’s Innovation Award (2015) the Research Award from the Professional Lighting Design Convention (2013) and the Research Award for Excellence on Photobiology, Photochemistry and Photophysics, from the American Society for Photobiology (2010).

During his career, Dr. Brainard has taught neuroanatomy, neurochemistry and neurophysiology to over 9,000 medical and graduate students. He has received the Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching and his painted portrait was dedicated to Thomas Jefferson University by the Class of 1989.