Dr Karen Arthur

Talk Title
Development of National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife in Australia

Artificial light at night can disrupt critical behaviours in nocturnal wildlife. Where this occurs in threatened species, artificial light has the potential to stall the recovery of a population. Where it occurs in migratory species, the impact of light may compromise an animal’s ability to undertake long distance migrations integral to their life cycle.

The Australian Government, in association with Pendoley Environmental, is developing National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife, including Marine Turtles, Seabirds and Migratory Shorebirds. The Guidelines provide a framework to address the potential impacts of artificial light to wildlife. They provide best practice lighting design principles, and a risk assessment and continuous improvement approach to the management of artificial light near susceptible wildlife. The guidelines also provide species specific considerations, mitigation technologies and techniques for marine turtles, seabirds and migratory shorebirds.

Dr Arthur is a marine turtle ecologist who has spent more than 10 years working as a field biologist at the University of Hawaii, the Smithsonian Institute and the University of Queensland. Dr Arthur now works for the Australian Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Energy where she develops marine turtle and dugong policy in the Migratory Species Team. She has contributed to the development of the Recovery Plan for Marine Turtles in Australia (2017) and the National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife.